51.   Although the vote was a major step forward for megaplex boosters, commissioners said it was only a beginning.

52.   Although their votes are essential to any successful mayoral campaign, valley residents often complain that politicians ignore the region upon taking office.

53.   An earlier vote would be a daunting prospect for the Conservatives with the opposition Labour Party currently enjoying an ever-widening lead in the polls.

54.   An up-and-down verdict vote would be more courageous, but a document of disapprobation gives senators opposing his removal a way to get right with their less forgiving constituents.

55.   Analysts said the final vote will be close.

56.   And he pointed out, after his speech, that the China vote was problematic for both parties, since several Republicans also oppose the agreement.

57.   And although the vote was legal, the scene of a nearly half empty legislature voting for its leader appeared to lose a degree of moral legitimacy.

58.   And as if all that were not enough, the vote is one of the most important national-security decisions for many years.

59.   And I will be releasing that as soon as know when the vote will be.

60.   And for all the talk of disappearing boundaries, cynical politicians rarely hesitate to jettison economic liberalism when votes are at stake.

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vote + v. >>共 499
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