51.   Russian officials have previously warned that any U.S. sanctions on Russian companies doing business with Iran could further delay ratification of the START II nuclear arms reduction treaty.

52.   Russian parliament leaders decided Tuesday to speed up the long-stalled ratification of the START II arms reduction treaty with the United States.

53.   Signing of nuclear arms reduction treaty.

54.   Russian officials say breaking the ABM treaty could mean the end of all nuclear control agreements, including the long-stalled START II nuclear arms reduction treaty.

55.   Senior Russian lawmakers voiced hopes Thursday that parliament would soon ratify the START II arms reduction treaty with the United States.

56.   Some members of Congress have suggested reducing aid to Russia, delaying ratification of the Start II missile reduction treaty and unilaterally lifting the U.N. arms embargo against Bosnia.

57.   The Americans, meanwhile, have been frustrated by the failure to the Russian parliament to ratify the START II arms reduction treaty.

58.   The deputy speaker of the Duma said airstrikes would make it more difficult for Russian lawmakers to ratify the START II nuclear arms reduction treaty.

59.   The Duma also hinted that it may again postpone ratification of the START-II arms reduction treaty.

60.   The letter also calls on him not to sign any nuclear arms reduction treaties, the Interfax news agency reported.

n. + treaty >>共 189
peace 47.15%
extradition 11.71%
arm 4.74%
draft 2.76%
friendship 2.50%
non-proliferation 2.45%
control 2.10%
reduction 2.07%
security 1.77%
test-ban 1.70%
reduction + n. >>共 133
treaty 14.69%
target 12.19%
plan 10.18%
program 7.01%
agreement 3.84%
talk 2.50%
surgery 2.34%
effort 2.17%
goal 2.17%
package 2.00%
每页显示:    共 87