peace treaty 131.73   A peace treaty in Korea?
  extradition treaty 32.72   Peru and Japan have no extradition treaty.
  arm treaty 13.23   As an arms treaty, it is more loophole than law.
  draft treaty 7.70   Will the Government veto a draft treaty Hon.
  friendship treaty 6.98   They signed a friendship treaty.
  non-proliferation treaty 6.85   None has signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
  control treaty 5.86   ...a landmark arms control treaty.
  reduction treaty 5.79   Signing of nuclear arms reduction treaty.
  security treaty 4.94   It wants a pan-European security treaty.
  test-ban treaty 4.74   India plans to block test-ban treaty.
  trade treaty 4.48   Trade treaties are another check.
  cooperation treaty 3.62   Several countries have already signed cooperation treaties.
  weapon treaty 3.42   I want the chemical weapons treaty to pass.
  defense treaty 2.83   The United States also has a defense treaty with South Korea.
  climate treaty 2.57   Rejects Kyoto climate treaty.
  landmark treaty 1.91   Burma, Cambodia and Laos were also signatories to the landmark treaty.
  tax treaty 1.84   But a tax treaty could be some time coming.
  investment treaty 1.65   First, investment treaties and tax accords must be signed.
  missile treaty 1.18   Negotiations on the missile treaty are weighed here largely for their economic repercussions.
  aviation treaty 1.12   The two nations are also locking horns over an aviation rights treaty.
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