51.   It will be followed by the drafting and signature of a final contract settling all questions involved in carrying out the project.

n. + involve >>共 1669
case 6.64%
project 1.64%
plan 1.47%
deal 1.33%
incident 1.33%
process 1.24%
issue 1.15%
dispute 1.09%
change 1.01%
problem 0.98%
question 0.56%
question + v. >>共 282
be 65.79%
remain 5.83%
arise 2.55%
come 2.00%
have 1.48%
become 1.23%
seem 1.03%
ask 0.91%
linger 0.68%
go 0.60%
involve 0.40%
每页显示:    共 51