51.   A surge in new orders to the manufacturing industry, coupled with evidence that factories are trimming their inventories, have convinced economists that growth has taken hold.

52.   A Wafer-Fab is a factory were semiconductors are made into wafers that can carry between several hundreds and thousands of microchips each.

53.   According to a recent J.P. Morgan report, biotech factories are already maxed out.

54.   After running production lines on a part-time basis for most of last year, the factory now is on a fulltime schedule.

55.   Alex Trotman, the chairman and chief executive of Ford Motor, said on Thursday that the engine factory was a model for the industry.

56.   But Boeing factories have not been very efficient.

57.   But a federal official said this weekend that the factory might not be ready until the end of November or early December.

58.   But how do you inscribe this complex filigree on the metal panels themselves, especially when the factory is across the continent?

59.   But his assertion, made so adamantly that it betrayed doubt, cut directly to the belief of most experts that few Bosnian factories can be profitable now.

60.   But the factories are in the home islands of Japan.

n. + be >>共 1635
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factory + v. >>共 354
be 20.22%
produce 5.94%
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close 3.96%
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continue 1.26%
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