51.   He was a good storyteller and excellent mimic, using that skill to devastating effect in deadpan impersonations of his colleagues on the court.

52.   He threw these two pitches in concert the first time through the Yankees lineup on Saturday, and with devastating effect.

53.   He unveiled charts on the Senate floor, predicting the ban on so-called soft money would have a devastating effect on the two parties and their campaign committees.

54.   He was said to have made an impassioned plea to the players that losing the season would have a devastating effect on the league.

55.   High neighborhood joblessness has a far more devastating effect than high neighborhood poverty.

56.   If it works, it will spare them the devastating effects of a rare but deadly inherited disease.

57.   If it works, it will spare them the devastating effects of a rare but deadly inherited disease known as Crigler-Najjar syndrome.

58.   In Hawaii, for example, an earthworm invasion is having a devastating effect.

59.   In the trial, a number of American and African victims and relatives members testified about the devastating effect, including financial, of the attack.

60.   Initially, corporate pleas centered on straightforward requests for relief to survive the devastating effects of the strikes.

a. + effect >>共 805
long-term 3.00%
negative 2.93%
immediate 2.88%
adverse 2.65%
positive 2.46%
same 2.34%
ill 2.11%
overall 1.57%
opposite 1.49%
possible 1.49%
devastating 1.40%
devastating + n. >>共 512
effect 9.64%
earthquake 4.98%
blow 4.29%
loss 4.24%
attack 4.18%
flood 3.65%
impact 2.65%
defeat 1.91%
consequence 1.75%
drought 1.48%
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