1.   At four months old, he is apparently developing well, though I am still extremely worried about the possible long-term effects.

2.   Critics say that could lead to vitamin deficiencies or possible long-term effects on health such as increased incidence of cancer.

3.   Gliclazide is the sulphonylurea that has received most study in terms of possible effects on platelet function.

4.   I am worried about possible toxic effects, from the petrol fumes, and the asbestos.

5.   In the absence of more tangible evidence, the argument regarding possible harmful effects on children can be ignored.

6.   It is organising the service, delivering high-quality care and using manpower and finance to the best possible effect.

7.   Mr Reynolds admitted that he had been afraid to eat or drink because of the possible effects on his bowel and bladder.

8.   Scientists at an international conference have been discussing global warming and its possible effects.

9.   Some analysts say the possible effect of the gender gap is being overblown.

a. + effect >>共 805
long-term 3.00%
negative 2.93%
immediate 2.88%
adverse 2.65%
positive 2.46%
same 2.34%
ill 2.11%
overall 1.57%
opposite 1.49%
possible 1.49%
possible + n. >>共 1138
attack 2.33%
candidate 1.63%
link 1.14%
cause 1.13%
action 1.02%
motive 1.02%
successor 0.96%
solution 0.92%
way 0.81%
use 0.81%
effect 0.63%
每页显示:    共 192