51.   Many see this shift in popular taste as a function of economics rather than a cultural phenomenon.

52.   Then came a century of artists, hunting images and leaving a historical record of once-wild Taos as a cultural phenomenon.

53.   They are parang bands, a cultural phenomenon in the Caribbean country of Trinidad and Tobago.

54.   Through his Rat Pack and organized crime associations, he was a cultural phenomenon who endured setbacks and scandals to become a White House intimate.

a. + phenomenon >>共 603
new 10.24%
natural 4.46%
recent 3.72%
same 3.23%
cultural 2.64%
american 1.96%
social 1.62%
common 1.62%
temporary 1.57%
strange 1.57%
cultural + n. >>共 1500
center 4.36%
difference 3.59%
exchange 3.07%
institution 2.38%
event 2.27%
heritage 2.26%
identity 1.46%
icon 1.25%
tie 1.23%
diversity 1.20%
phenomenon 0.66%
每页显示:    共 54