new phenomenon 13.76   It is not a new phenomenon.
  natural phenomenon 5.99   The image, he said, is a natural phenomenon.
  recent phenomenon 5.00   The fear is a recent phenomenon.
  same phenomenon 4.34   Rojas has noticed the same phenomenon.
  cultural phenomenon 3.55   This is a cultural phenomenon.
  american phenomenon 2.63   Nor is this an American phenomenon.
  common phenomenon 2.17   Is that a fairly common phenomenon?
  social phenomenon 2.17   Crime is a complex social phenomenon.
  strange phenomenon 2.11   It is a strange phenomenon.
  temporary phenomenon 2.11   But these are temporary phenomenon.
  complex phenomenon 2.04   Crime is a complex social phenomenon.
  similar phenomenon 2.04   In Europe, a similar phenomenon has occurred.
  national phenomenon 1.71   This is a national phenomenon.
  growing phenomenon 1.58   White power music is a growing phenomenon.
  worldwide phenomenon 1.51   It is a worldwide phenomenon.
  rare phenomenon 1.38   Nor is it a rare phenomenon.
  political phenomenon 1.32   This is as much a cultural as political phenomenon.
  global phenomenon 1.25   It is a global phenomenon.
  such phenomenon 1.18   It was such a phenomenon.
  modern phenomenon 1.12   The examinations are a modern phenomenon.
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