51.   Malaysian police will classify the dumping of toxic and chemical waste as manslaughter, news reports said Thursday amid mounting public concern after two alarming cases of dumping.

52.   Pro-democracy politicians in the Urban Council voiced their concern after meeting Tung, however.

53.   Share prices fell on Friday morning, pressured by weak gilts, inflation concerns after a CBI quarterly industrial trends survey, and political worries, dealers said.

54.   Social unrest also remained a major concern after violent protests led to the collapse of two governments last month.

n. + after >>共 1520
day 1.64%
year 1.60%
week 1.30%
reporter 1.27%
game 1.06%
hour 0.96%
season 0.88%
month 0.85%
hospital 0.82%
time 0.56%
concern 0.06%
concern + p. >>共 58
about 47.23%
over 18.71%
of 8.08%
in 5.58%
to 4.53%
among 4.12%
at 2.46%
with 1.93%
on 1.15%
by 1.06%
after 0.28%
每页显示:    共 54