51.   At that time, Giuliani still wanted the schools to become a department of city government.

52.   At the same time, they passed a landlord-sponsored measure that forbids the city government from interfering in rent matters.

53.   Because discussion over it will involve the city government, and because Diepgen is not enthusiastic, the talks could take some time.

54.   Being an ex-con does not seem to count much against a person in city government here.

55.   Black leaders demanding explanation and changes in police department and city government.

56.   Bloomberg is skillfully trumpeting his plans to streamline city government by starting at the top.

57.   Bloomberg said the change would diminish what he asserted was the coercive influence of the Democratic and Republican politics on city government.

58.   Board President Caprice Young said the district would use its authority only when necessary and would strive to work with city governments and residents before taking further action.

59.   -- Denied a proposal to prohibit cable companies from moving channels from their basic service tiers to more expensive menus without getting prior approval from city governments.

60.   -- One division of city government after another has been taken over by the courts because of management so inept that it sometimes borders on the criminal.

n. + government >>共 501
coalition 34.22%
city 11.06%
caretaker 7.76%
unity 4.73%
apartheid 2.35%
self-rule 1.86%
member 1.67%
post-taliban 1.63%
minority 1.51%
right-wing 1.38%
city + n. >>共 698
official 19.40%
center 5.84%
government 3.98%
street 3.96%
centre 3.86%
worker 1.83%
resident 1.71%
authority 1.63%
limit 1.45%
leader 1.44%
每页显示:    共 693