51.   Dykstra stopped short of declaring he is retired, saying that such an announcement would probably follow the season.

52.   His announcement followed a meeting he held with his staff, police and military commanders, including deputy security minister Joe Matthews of Inkatha.

53.   His announcement followed several Serb victories in an offensive launched Friday night.

54.   His announcement followed unconfirmed reports that India was offering to release captured militants in exchange for the hostages, but not the senior commanders demanded by the kidnappers.

55.   His announcement followed a Friday order that the U.N. refugee agency leave the area.

56.   His announcement follows complaints by businessmen, some who called for eliminating visas entirely.

57.   It was unclear whether any announcement would follow the briefings.

58.   No announcements followed the meeting and the Indian Foreign Office and a Dalai Lama aide refused to divulge details.

59.   The announcement followed a briefing on the situation by Museveni, who has been in contact with both sides.

60.   The announcement followed a demand by the European Union that civilian ballots be held successfully before aid money is released to the West African country.

n. + follow >>共 1522
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announcement + v. >>共 383
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