51.   He recently accepted the resignation of his justice minister, who had imposed a death penalty on Arabs who sell land to Jews.

52.   Hilton Hotels Corp. said it accepted the resignations of three senior executives whose conduct delayed a gambling license for its Kansas City, Missouri, riverboat casino.

53.   His administration says it cannot accept resignations of public officials coerced by guerrillas at gunpoint.

54.   His resignation will be accepted at a board meeting scheduled for next Monday, Hyundai Securities said.

55.   Hilton Hotels Corp. said it accepted the resignation of three senior executives whose conduct delayed a gambling license for its Kansas City, Missouri, riverboat casino.

56.   His resignation was accepted by Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto.

57.   Horn refused to accept the resignation.

58.   His resignation was accepted this morning by Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto.

59.   Howard resigned, and Williams hurriedly accepted his resignation.

60.   If Law does decide to resign, church practice would require that he ask Pope John Paul II to accept his resignation before he makes any public announcement.

v. + resignation >>共 177
announce 18.14%
accept 16.38%
demand 11.22%
submit 9.72%
tender 7.63%
offer 4.83%
follow 4.65%
force 3.95%
withdraw 2.00%
prompt 1.44%
accept + n. >>共 1100
offer 4.34%
invitation 3.07%
resignation 2.95%
responsibility 2.61%
money 2.36%
plan 2.18%
proposal 1.86%
bribe 1.80%
job 1.45%
donation 1.09%
每页显示:    共 553