41.   With piles of overtime, these workers earn thousands of dollars a week.

42.   Bush says his proposals would end up strengthening Social Security by allowing workers to earn higher returns.

43.   Despite economic growth and improved productivity, American workers are earning less, says the Labor Department.

44.   For instance, the average cow in the United States and Europe gets more government funds than many Third World workers earn in a year.

45.   Handal, the factory owner, was furious when asked to respond to claims that some workers earned less than minimum wage.

46.   He said within job categories, some workers earn eight or ten times more than other workers.

47.   He said he arrived nine months ago believing skilled workers could earn easy money in Zaire, only to find the tradeoff was living in fear.

48.   In richer parts of the country, even factory workers can earn hundreds of times that amount.

49.   KTBA President Carol A. Schelin maintained that workers could earn at least minimum wage if they worked diligently.

50.   Many workers earn the minimum wage.

n. + earn >>共 932
company 3.90%
worker 2.38%
player 2.30%
team 2.19%
woman 2.19%
bank 1.99%
performance 1.72%
victory 1.37%
people 1.33%
film 1.05%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
earn 0.30%
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