41.   Under federal law, prosecutors can obtain court permission to hold material witnesses to ensure their testimony is available.

n. + obtain >>共 561
company 5.80%
police 2.82%
group 2.48%
government 2.42%
prosecutor 2.31%
student 1.75%
authority 1.52%
investigator 1.52%
bank 1.41%
woman 1.35%
prosecutor + v. >>共 517
say 27.49%
be 2.86%
have 2.78%
ask 2.33%
seek 2.23%
charge 2.12%
allege 1.97%
investigate 1.64%
argue 1.63%
decide 1.44%
obtain 0.23%
每页显示:    共 41