41.   Judicial appointments were not always made that way.

42.   Just like the communist system, the political parties now wield maximum power on judicial appointments.

43.   Lawmakers also will take up a proposal to authorize judicial appointment of special prosecutors.

44.   On critical issues like tax policy and judicial appointments, the president ignored all his promises to seek consensus and imposed a hard-right agenda.

45.   One of the strongest critics of Bush judicial appointments is Will Harrell, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Texas.

46.   Other notable differences involve jury selection and judicial appointments.

47.   Senate Democrats may block votes Thursday on two Bush administration legal nominees in a public display of mounting partisan and ideological tensions over expected judicial appointments.

48.   Sen. McGahn, who died earlier this year, held up a judicial appointment sought by Gov. Brendan T. Byrne, a Democrat.

49.   Standing before reporters, Whitman appeared to be officially administering the oath of office to her black judicial appointments, even though she has no authority to do so.

50.   The measure also would reduce dramatically the power of the commission that screens judicial appointments.

a. + appointment >>共 372
new 9.44%
cabinet 7.67%
judicial 4.92%
political 2.92%
first 2.80%
recent 2.23%
presidential 2.18%
key 2.18%
medical 2.00%
next 2.00%
judicial + n. >>共 580
system 12.12%
source 8.46%
official 7.08%
authority 5.34%
review 4.55%
inquiry 3.53%
process 2.97%
investigation 2.31%
nominee 2.19%
police 2.03%
appointment 1.60%
每页显示:    共 85