judicial system 42.92   A high priority is the judicial system.
  judicial source 29.95   Judicial sources declined to confirm or deny the tests.
  judicial official 25.08   Judicial officials have proposed reforms, too.
  judicial authority 18.89   If you retire, you still have judicial authority.
  judicial review 16.13   Judicial review was sought next.
  judicial inquiry 12.51   Calls for a judicial inquiry are right.
  judicial process 10.53   Did television distort the judicial process?
  judicial investigation 8.16   Judicial investigations are ongoing.
  judicial nominee 7.77   His judicial nominees must oppose it as well.
  judicial police 7.18   Judicial police opened an inquiry.
  judicial reform 6.39   He has made judicial reform a priority.
  judicial appointment 5.66   He cited his hiring on judicial appointments.
  judicial proceeding 5.27   The company initiated judicial proceedings against them.
  judicial commission 4.74   A judicial commission set up by the government exonerated him.
  judicial candidate 4.61   Hatch said he has been fair to all judicial candidates.
  judicial nomination 4.21   Same for judicial nominations.
  judicial panel 4.08   And a judicial panel ruled against her on that.
  judicial branch 3.88   That leaves the judicial branch.
  judicial decision 3.82   We must look to the pattern of judicial decisions over time.
  judicial independence 3.16   Urged visits by U.N. experts on executions and judicial independence.
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