41.   The rowdy, bone-dry Australian sense of humor, which the reader might expect to find celebrated here, is only occasionally heard above the more subdued Brysoniana.

42.   The speakers could hardly be heard above the noise.

43.   The routine of moving chairs onto the court is to make sure Pitino is heard during timeouts, heard above the noise.

44.   The trouble is that the pitiful screams of the witches in the test version cannot be heard above the roar of the flames.

45.   The whining was so loud and constant, it could be heard above the roar of their espresso machines.

46.   They strut and they strain to be heard above the din of indifference.

47.   They will have to if they want to be heard above the din of new accounting procedure announcements and pious pledges of propriety by corporate CEOs.

48.   To make the music loud enough to be heard above the noise, the staff keeps turning up the volume, and consequently the deep bass sounds predominate.

49.   We stood high on the bank adjacent to the dam, shouting to be heard above the roar of the water pouring over the spillway.

50.   What the Democrats need now is one authoritative voice that can be heard above the others.

v. + above >>共 583
hover 6.90%
remain 4.59%
mention 4.19%
describe 3.76%
hang 3.70%
stay 3.08%
stand 2.99%
list 2.25%
hear 2.00%
outline 1.82%
hear + p. >>共 80
in 39.60%
on 15.01%
at 5.60%
for 3.62%
before 3.62%
throughout 3.45%
over 2.55%
around 2.17%
as 2.17%
during 1.98%
above 1.37%
每页显示:    共 65