hover above 14.75   She felt him hover above her.
  remain above 9.81   Better to remain above the fray.
  mention above 8.95   See also McCrone v IRC mentioned above.
  describe above 8.03   Described above.
  hang above 7.90   It hangs above the altar.
  stay above 6.58   But can we stay above that?
  stand above 6.39   But some stood above the crowd.
  list above 4.81   See also EMAIL-MONITORS, listed above.
  hear above 4.28   But who can hear them above the din?
  outline above 3.88   The steps outlined above would be a start.
  live above 3.62   The two live above the museum.
  see above 3.42   See above, without the pizza.
  be above 3.29   Above it all was Sununu.
  circle above 3.03   The pigeons circled above the terrace.
  loom above 2.83   A problem looms above him, however.
  discuss above 2.70   Unlike the Internet index funds discussed above.
  sit above 2.70   A bust of his wife Lurleen, sits above his casket.
  note above 2.63   As noted above, Robinson is on a tear.
  play above 2.57   Never played above Double A.
  trade above 2.50   Webvan is trading above a dollar.
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