41.   They said it made no sense for the city to reject their permit application, since the city regularly grants permits for even larger rallies and parades.

42.   Today, the Mexican government granted two permits to build power plants to produce electricity for self-consumption to two companies.

43.   U.S. poultry exports headed for Russia that have already received import permits will be allowed to go through, but no new permits will be granted, he said.

44.   Under the Clean Water Act, the Army Corps is responsible for granting permits to anyone who seeks to drain or fill wetlands or streams.

45.   When the state Marshlands Protection Committee granted a permit to a developer last year to build a causeway to several marsh hammocks in Savannah, conservationists were outraged.

46.   While the permit was granted last fall, as the article noted, the developer and the manatee club have not reached an agreement on the fund.

47.   Work permits are currently granted to people from outside the European Union only when employers apply on behalf of individual employees seeking specific jobs.

48.   Yet because of a bizarre legislative foul-up, there is no state agency authorized to grant siting permits.

49.   Police have granted permits to some protest groups, allowing them to demonstrate in designated areas.

50.   A statement by Commissioner of Police James Danbaba said the permit was not granted for security reasons.

v. + permit >>共 205
issue 16.40%
have 12.57%
obtain 10.44%
grant 6.08%
get 5.43%
require 4.37%
need 3.19%
receive 2.65%
deny 1.89%
revoke 1.83%
grant + n. >>共 628
amnesty 6.33%
permission 4.99%
asylum 4.13%
request 4.10%
immunity 3.28%
visa 3.06%
access 3.03%
bail 2.78%
interview 2.60%
approval 2.50%
permit 1.43%
每页显示:    共 102