issue permit 18.30   No permits were issued.
  have permit 14.02   Texas has permits.
  obtain permit 11.65   Hunters are required to obtain a permit.
  grant permit 6.78   The permit was initially granted.
  get permit 6.06   All got permits.
  require permit 4.87   It requires special permits.
  need permit 3.55   What permits are needed?
  receive permit 2.96   If successful, they received one permit.
  deny permit 2.11   Opposition parties can be, and have been, denied the permits.
  revoke permit 2.04   Their work permits were revoked.
  seek permit 2.04   The state permit was sought by Alabama Disposal Solutions.
  renew permit 1.91   The permit may be renewed by the Geneva canton.
  give permit 1.65   These permits are seldom given.
  secure permit 1.51   Clearly, securing permits is a big part of the business.
  approve permit 1.45   The Army cannot do anything until state officials approve permits.
  build permit 1.12   Building permits, a gauge of upcoming demand, rose.
  cancel permit 1.05   Government cancels permit of polluting mine company.
  sell permit 0.86   Convenience stores sell hunting permits.
  lack permit 0.79   Israeli officials said the owners lacked permits.
  request permit 0.66   So far, no mining permits had been requested for claims posted last year.
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