41.   Their move comes nearly two months after French President Jacques Chirac announced the resumption of nuclear tests in French Polynesia.

42.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher will announce the resumption after talks with Prime Minister Shimon Peres in Jerusalem later Saturday, the radio said.

43.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher announced the resumption of ambassador-level talks at the end of his Middle East peace shuttle earlier this month.

44.   When France announced the resumption of testing in June, it said six to eight would be needed to assure the credibility and reliabilty of the French nuclear arsenal.

45.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher announced the resumption of the ambassador-level talks at the end of his Middle East peace shuttle earlier this month.

46.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher said Saturday he hoped to announce the resumption of Israeli-Syrian talks before the end of his Middle East peace mission.

47.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher will announce the resumption after meeting with Prime Minister Shimon Peres in Jerusalem later Saturday, the radio said.

48.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher announced the resumption of ambassador-level talks in Washington within days at the end of a Middle East peace shuttle last week.

49.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher announced the resumption of ambassador-level talks within days at the end of a Middle East peace shuttle on Tuesday.

50.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher said he needed further talks with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres on Saturday before announcing a resumption in Israeli-Syrian peace talks.

v. + resumption >>共 142
allow 8.57%
announce 7.87%
delay 3.93%
urge 3.79%
protest 3.37%
prevent 3.09%
welcome 2.67%
permit 2.53%
discuss 2.53%
await 2.25%
announce + n. >>共 634
plan 11.97%
decision 5.62%
result 3.20%
resignation 2.55%
agreement 2.35%
intention 2.21%
retirement 2.20%
deal 2.09%
candidacy 1.73%
date 1.64%
resumption 0.23%
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