41.   The actions include creating an employee survey and promotion assessment process to identify and select candidates for promotion to management.

42.   That action should include all the factors before a decision is made.

43.   The California action included a demand for the return of another Greenpeace vessel, the U.S.-flagged yacht Manutea.

44.   The Palestinians say the Israeli actions include carrying out assassinations against Palestinian activists.

45.   These actions include improving the timeliness and thoroughness of over-seeing changes in health care delivery resulting from the allocation process to the networks and to the facilities.

46.   U.S. action may include allowing its grain dealers to barter rice for North Korean mining ore and other raw materials.

47.   Action would include strikes and boycotting the matches, he said.

48.   The restructuring action includes maintaining vehicle production at minimum levels in Argentina until activity picks up again within the Mercosur trading block.

49.   Other possible Security Council action includes sanctions, which North Korea has said it will regard as an act of war.

50.   Powell said he had asked if such action might include sending them back to where they came from to face justice.

n. + include >>共 1161
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action + v. >>共 799
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