31.   U.S. officials say the detainees are treated humanely.

32.   U.S. officials, including President George W. Bush, have brushed aside international criticism, saying the detainees are being treated humanely and fairly.

33.   Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar was quoted by Bernama news agency as saying the detainees should be treated as prisoners of war according to international law.

34.   France and Germany have urged Washington to ensure the detainees were treated lawfully.

35.   In public, however, Prime Minister Tony Blair has supported the United States, insisting Wednesday that the detainees were being treated humanely.

36.   British Prime Minister Tony Blair said British officials who visited the base concluded the detainees were being treated humanely.

37.   But France and Germany urged Washington to ensure the detainees were treated lawfully.

38.   But he stressed that he had urged security officials to treat detainees humanely.

39.   Detainees are not treated in accordance with either Pakistani or international law.

40.   Justice Minister G. L. Peiris said President Chandrika Kumaratunga will shortly name a Human Rights Task Force under the current state of emergency to ensure detainees are treated humanely.

v. + detainee >>共 165
release 12.15%
hold 8.54%
treat 5.78%
free 3.73%
visit 3.37%
identify 2.77%
take 2.53%
torture 2.29%
interrogate 2.17%
send 1.93%
treat + n. >>共 888
patient 6.34%
people 6.04%
disease 3.08%
victim 2.09%
child 2.08%
woman 1.84%
case 1.34%
man 1.29%
cancer 1.24%
condition 0.99%
detainee 0.46%
每页显示:    共 48