1.   This natural sequence of events is frequently obscured when the condition is treated without taking the constitution into account.

2.   Drugs are useless in treating the condition.

3.   These methods enable doctors to detect babies that may have problems with breathing at birth and therefore to be in a position to treat the condition promptly.

4.   Although doctors know more than ever about treating the condition, the diagnosis can be daunting for many families.

5.   Amgen launched Infergen last fall to treat the condition.

6.   An experimental device and procedure being performed in Augusta, Ga., is aiming to treat the condition.

7.   Analysts said that the condition is generally treated by freezing the lesions with liquid nitrogen, which is painful and can cause scarring.

8.   Aromatherapy is a technique that has been largely ignored by the scientific community but it has been proved to effectively treat conditions such as compulsive eating.

9.   At that stage, the condition can be treated most effectively.

10.   A man from a tree-care company diagnosed spruce spider mites and said he would treat the condition in the spring.

v. + condition >>共 677
improve 8.79%
meet 7.29%
create 4.16%
set 3.04%
impose 2.81%
describe 2.79%
attach 2.17%
have 1.66%
monitor 1.50%
treat 1.50%
treat + n. >>共 888
patient 6.34%
people 6.04%
disease 3.08%
victim 2.09%
child 2.08%
woman 1.84%
case 1.34%
man 1.29%
cancer 1.24%
condition 0.99%
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