31.   The German tourism office in New York is the largest foreign branch of the Frankfurt center.

32.   The government had instructed Malaysian tourism offices overseas to dispel the incorrect perception that the entire country had banned bikinis and the sharing of swimming pools, he said.

33.   The explosions follow at least three other bombings of Cuban hotels and two of Cuban tourism offices abroad in recent months.

34.   The Dublin incident prompted Jim McDaid, government minister for Irish tourism, to put all Irish tourism offices on alert for possible attacks.

35.   The first government-sanctioned tourism representative office is to open in Paris in October and more are planned.

36.   The leaders also noted opportunity for growth in the public sector, ranging from the U.S. Postal Service and the State Department to town tourism offices.

37.   The trouble, as officials at the Fiji Visitors Bureau and other national tourism offices concede, is the inability to handle many extra visitors.

38.   They follow at least three other bombings of Cuban hotels and two of Cuban tourism offices abroad in recent months.

39.   There was also an explosion in early August at a Cuban tourism office in Nassau in the Bahamas.

40.   Tourism offices, airlines and railroads also are taking part in the campaign.

n. + office >>共 479
government 16.02%
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press 3.74%
head 3.11%
branch 2.88%
league 2.00%
law 1.87%
field 1.80%
district 1.78%
trade 1.73%
tourism 0.44%
tourism + n. >>共 299
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minister 5.56%
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business 1.82%
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