tourism industry 28.37   The tourism industry is third.
  tourism official 16.26   Tourism industry officials disagree.
  tourism minister 7.83   The latter was also a former tourism minister.
  tourism sector 4.28   Ten percent of New Zealand jobs are in the tourism sector.
  tourism office 2.96   The tourism office also offers guided walking and bus tours.
  tourism project 2.76   Tourism projects can be suspended since they have long-term horizons.
  tourism business 2.57   But others in the tourism business disagree.
  tourism ministry 2.50   The Egyptian tourism ministry organised trips to tourist sites for her during her stay.
  tourism boycott 2.44   They quickly organized a tourism boycott.
  tourism development 2.11   But they pose risks for both tourism development and agriculture.
  tourism revenue 1.97   Millions of dollars in tourism revenues are at stake, too.
  tourism company 1.84   Across the region, tourism companies are reporting cancellations.
  tourism authority 1.78   Local tourism authorities and businesses were in the act.
  tourism destination 1.78   We are known as a tourism destination.
  tourism agency 1.58   The newspaper did not name the tourism agency.
  tourism bureau 1.58   Order free brochures from tourism bureaus.
  tourism market 1.51   The moves opened up new tourism markets for this Spanish-speaking island.
  tourism dollar 1.45   Rich from tourism dollars, Orlando is virtually synonymous with family fun.
  tourism season 1.45   The problem balloons during the summer tourism season.
  tourism board 1.38   The tourism board was set up to promote Kenya abroad.
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