31.   Sonya Vasquez of the Committee for Smoke-Free Parks said the measure will also help in other ways.

32.   Such measures have helped weaken the yen by prompting expectations Japanese will sell yen for other currencies to invest abroad.

33.   Supporters said the measure would help bring values back into both arenas and hopefully would deter future killing sprees like the one in Colorado.

34.   Supporters said the measure will help curb terrorism.

35.   Supporters said the measure will help the financial industry better serve customers in a modern marketplace.

36.   Supporters say the measure would also help offset the overwhelming devastation caused by a series of hurricanes that have smashed into the region over the last two years.

37.   Supporters said the measure would help prevent terrorism.

38.   Taking preventive measures can help property owners extend the life of appliances and heating and plumbing systems.

39.   The measures helped for a while.

40.   The measure would help end the credit problem for utilities, which has made power producers wary of selling to them.

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measure 0.42%
measure + v. >>共 748
be 22.45%
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