31.   UN weapons inspectors enter Baghdad building after standoff.

32.   Iraq has since Tuesday refused to allow the UN inspectors to enter sites linked to the elite Republican Guard, invoking national security reasons.

n. + enter >>共 1579
troop 5.14%
force 3.52%
company 2.52%
man 2.38%
police 2.06%
woman 1.74%
soldier 1.60%
people 1.44%
tank 1.41%
team 1.33%
inspector 0.42%
inspector + v. >>共 490
say 8.96%
be 8.73%
certify 5.73%
find 5.45%
have 3.56%
return 3.28%
visit 2.42%
leave 2.14%
accuse 1.42%
verify 1.39%
enter 0.89%
每页显示:    共 32