troop enter 25.61   His troops have entered Kabul.
  force enter 17.58   A residence was entered by force.
  company enter 12.57   The company is entering a crowded field.
  man enter 11.85   Soon another man entered.
  police enter 10.27   Some police entered the villa.
  woman enter 8.69   Women were entering the work force.
  soldier enter 7.97   But the soldiers did not enter the village.
  people enter 7.18   Only two people entered.
  tank enter 7.04   Tanks entered Moscow.
  team enter 6.65   By afternoon, a U.N. team entered Zepa town.
  user enter 5.20   Any LIFESPAN user may enter DCs.
  child enter 5.13   Children would enter free.
  visitor enter 4.74   Visitors enter into the kitchen.
  gunman enter 4.41   They were in a meeting room when the gunman entered, he aid.
  army enter 4.02   The next day the army entered Tulkarm.
  rebel enter 3.62   The Taliban rebels entered the conflict two years ago.
  player enter 3.36   Seventy-four players entered.
  officer enter 3.29   Minutes later, another officer entered the room.
  economy enter 3.16   Is this economy entering into a recession?
  country enter 3.03   The country is entering a period of prosperity.
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