31.   NEW figures which show only one Northerner is still waiting for hospital treatment after two years were yesterday greeted with caution.

32.   Their victim needed hospital treatment for cuts and bruises.

33.   An inquest opened yesterday where the coroner heard Mrs Patterson had been depressed and receiving hospital treatment.

34.   YOUTH needed hospital treatment after falling off a wall at the Darlington Transport Company depot in Haughton Road early today.

35.   A worker at a Darlington factory needed hospital treatment yesterday after his arm was caught in machinery.

36.   There was one minor injury recorded during an incident at The Forge and four cases which required hospital treatment in Bromley, Kent.

37.   The trading standards officers claimed that the DTI had failed to obtain a true picture because they had counted only children who had required hospital treatment.

38.   He was flown out by helicopter and airlifted back to England for hospital treatment.

39.   The man underwent initial hospital treatment this afternoon, ambulance service spokesman Brian Chambers explains the situation.

40.   A relative explains that the father said he did it so that his ailing daughter would get sick enough to receive the hospital treatment she needed.

n. + treatment >>共 759
cancer 9.91%
drug 9.42%
hospital 6.03%
radiation 4.92%
chemotherapy 4.09%
fertility 3.72%
tax 2.48%
dialysis 1.96%
laser 1.94%
water 1.73%
hospital + n. >>共 779
official 15.95%
bed 7.34%
spokeswoman 5.34%
source 3.65%
spokesman 3.44%
stay 3.27%
staff 3.25%
worker 3.12%
room 2.87%
treatment 2.81%
每页显示:    共 254