31.   The debate will now shift to the United States, whose role in the peace process was praised by Reynolds in his Observer interview.

n. + shift >>共 878
focus 5.80%
investor 4.15%
company 3.30%
wind 2.98%
attention 2.88%
momentum 1.81%
power 1.36%
mood 1.14%
emphasis 1.11%
balance 1.11%
debate 0.98%
debate + v. >>共 457
be 35.07%
begin 4.59%
continue 4.09%
rage 3.00%
go 2.43%
take 2.02%
have 2.02%
come 1.75%
focus 1.59%
center 1.39%
shift 0.70%
每页显示:    共 31