1.   But emphasis has now shifted from liberty to order.

2.   Now the emphasis has shifted to efforts to help them spend more.

3.   The emphasis is now shifting away from oil towards renewable sources of energy.

4.   The emphasis shifted gradually back to reform.

5.   This is because the emphasis has shifted from idealised language data to an examination of language-in-use.

6.   Will emphasis shift from the provision of services with a high value-added component to the bulk handling of a large number of fairly simple enquiries?

7.   At the same time, the emphasis has shifted from factories, the traditional migrants, to every type of service operation, and across a range of jobs.

8.   A century ago, liberals sought to free the individual from arbitrary government power, but later the emphasis shifted to freeing individuals from economic risk.

9.   By then, prime emphasis had shifted away from flight experience and toward superior academic qualifications.

10.   For fall and winter, the emphasis shifted to heavier meats.

n. + shift >>共 878
focus 5.80%
investor 4.15%
company 3.30%
wind 2.98%
attention 2.88%
momentum 1.81%
power 1.36%
mood 1.14%
emphasis 1.11%
balance 1.11%
emphasis + v. >>共 66
be 78.94%
shift 3.70%
change 1.16%
have 1.16%
remain 1.06%
make 0.95%
seem 0.95%
need 0.85%
come 0.74%
go 0.63%
每页显示:    共 35