31.   One of the new requirements for a country to join the international beach volleyball federation is to set up a national tour.

32.   Other countries could join it.

33.   Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ciorbea is trudging through Washington this week to make the case for his country to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

34.   Russia has repeatedly said it was opposed to having Poland and the other Eastern European countries join NATO.

35.   Rather than waiting for other countries to join in sanctions, which is preferable but not realistic, Congress should act now.

36.   Several Islamic countries joined the Vatican in making the objections, as they have in the past.

37.   Slovak leaders hope that their country will join the Czechs, Poles and Hungarians among the group of postcommunist countries seeking swift entry into the European Union.

38.   Sixty-one other countries joined in the boycott.

39.   Some analysts doubt other countries will join Japan in selling dollars.

40.   Tariffs on some Canadian exports, including newsprint, to Austria, Finland and Sweden rose after the three countries joined the EU in January.

n. + join >>共 1314
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leader 1.51%
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country + v. >>共 779
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