31.   Most EU nations already ban tobacco ads and have backed the Commission proposal for years.

32.   The ads will be banned in all mass media, Xinhua said.

33.   The committee that will hear testimony Thursday could recommend that the full board vote on banning the ads from bus shelters, commuter trains and other city property.

34.   The board could vote as early as Thursday to ban the ads from bus shelters, commuter trains and other city property.

35.   The city collected a settlement and effectively banned the ads from San Francisco.

36.   The Health Ministry banned such ads in March and police began looking into the two clinics which had advertised.

37.   The law banning cigarette ads does permit exceptions in cases such as international sporting events.

38.   The National Right to Life Committee Inc. and Citizens for Life Inc. said McCain wants to stifle free political speech by banning negative ads.

39.   The pledge between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rick Lazio to ban TV ads financed with soft money from their Senate campaign was in danger of falling apart Friday.

40.   The pledge between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rick Lazio to ban TV ads financed with soft money from their U.S. Senate campaign appeared to be in trouble Friday.

v. + ad >>共 488
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place 6.30%
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air 3.63%
pull 2.74%
create 2.39%
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have 1.88%
use 1.69%
ban 1.46%
ban + n. >>共 776
import 4.55%
use 4.03%
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party 2.59%
export 1.89%
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