31.   Human rights activists are hoping high profile lawyers and a jury trial will help them turn their arrests on trespassing charges into publicity against the leaders of Sudan.

32.   Human rights activists are hoping that the new government of Prime Minister Ehud Barak might mean an end to the controversial policy.

33.   Meanwhile, anti-nuclear activists were hoping to halt the test by positioning a ship in an area of the Pacific where a rocket stage is expected to splash down.

34.   Now that awareness of the problem is growing, activists hope they can educate fellow adherents to overcome cultural traditions that foment violence.

35.   Some party activists hope the popular, budget-slashing premier of Alberta, Ralph Klein, might decide to replace Charest.

36.   The best anti-slavery activists can hope for right now are limited raids on farms known to use bonded labor.

37.   The activists hope to impede the exercises and eventually force the Navy off the island altogether.

38.   The flotilla is equipped with two rubber dinghies and two water jet-skis that activists hope will allow them to evade Japanese patrol boats.

39.   The Greenpeace activists hope their presence on the platform will prevent or at least delay Shell sinking it.

40.   Whatever the verdict, rights activists hope the trial will lead to more cases in Belgium and elsewhere where those accused of atrocities have sought refuge.

n. + hope >>共 613
official 10.90%
company 8.02%
government 5.83%
leader 2.59%
administration 1.91%
organizer 1.91%
group 1.82%
investor 1.77%
scientist 1.66%
researcher 1.63%
activist 0.35%
activist + v. >>共 722
say 18.55%
be 7.02%
accuse 2.50%
call 1.83%
try 1.48%
want 1.35%
plan 1.27%
argue 1.12%
have 1.10%
urge 1.10%
hope 0.81%
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