21.   Her work included striking portraits of both posed celebrities and fleeting images of anonymous passers-by.

22.   His eclectic work also includes an exhaustive look at what draws individuals to boxing gyms.

23.   His international work included efforts to bring together Greek and Turkish doctors on Cyprus, and working in a similar manner with doctors from opposing factions in Lebanon.

24.   His later work included large horse sculptures and conceptual abstract paintings involving string and other materials.

25.   His later work included an extensive study of cross-gender disorders.

26.   His recent work includes a review of a book of essays on food and a two-part series on guns in America.

27.   His satellite work included vehicle models, space cameras and image interpretation.

28.   His television work included writing and directing films for NBC, CBS and ABC as well as PBS and the Disney Channel.

29.   His work included an examination of how to do business in China.

30.   His work included developing building systems that could be revised easily to accommodate technological innovation and organizational change.

n. + include >>共 1161
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figure 1.13%
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work + v. >>共 784
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