21.   In the future I shall never commit such an unlawful act against the DPRK again.

22.   President Nelson Mandela has warned the students against unlawful acts during their protests.

23.   Snook faces the same charges along with a felony charge of unlawful acts and a charge of unlawful dispensing of a controlled substance.

24.   Top Malawi prosecutor Fahad Assani has recommended that Dentice be charged with rape, assault and unlawful acts that could have spread life-threatening diseases.

a. + act >>共 1354
terrorist 8.11%
balancing 4.95%
criminal 3.73%
first 3.35%
violent 2.64%
second 2.54%
sexual 1.67%
homosexual 1.57%
final 1.48%
illegal 1.41%
unlawful 0.30%
unlawful + n. >>共 144
possession 6.64%
assembly 5.77%
imprisonment 5.24%
flight 4.55%
act 4.20%
arrest 4.20%
killing 4.02%
entry 3.50%
use 3.32%
combatant 3.32%
每页显示:    共 24