21.   Erbakan and Ciller played down the incident, urging the press to refrain from publishing speculation at a time when parliament was acting on the issue.

22.   The oil market is following closely every lurch of the tortured oil-for-peace process, giving rise to speculations at each new development.

n. + at >>共 1572
official 1.86%
student 0.82%
shot 0.80%
game 0.70%
day 0.67%
place 0.64%
job 0.63%
worker 0.61%
year 0.56%
professor 0.56%
speculation 0%
speculation + p. >>共 42
about 41.27%
in 13.78%
of 13.31%
on 7.58%
over 6.96%
by 2.81%
for 2.62%
among 2.52%
as 1.90%
against 1.53%
at 0.80%
每页显示:    共 22