21.   Ueki said the IOC drug lab is equipped with new, more sensitive instruments that will make detection of banned substances easier.

a. + instrument >>共 744
musical 10.71%
financial 7.73%
new 3.24%
surgical 2.73%
blunt 2.59%
scientific 2.41%
precision 2.19%
medical 1.47%
electronic 1.33%
traditional 1.29%
sensitive 0.75%
sensitive + n. >>共 769
issue 14.67%
information 6.78%
area 5.73%
time 2.84%
subject 2.63%
site 2.57%
topic 2.32%
technology 1.81%
stock 1.79%
one 1.66%
instrument 0.44%
每页显示:    共 21