sensitive issue 45.89   Employment is a very sensitive issue.
  sensitive information 21.20   Have you encrypted sensitive information?
  sensitive area 17.91   It is a sensitive area.
  sensitive time 8.89   This is a sensitive time.
  sensitive subject 8.23   But it is a sensitive subject.
  sensitive site 8.03   There could have been few more sensitive sites.
  sensitive topic 7.24   It is a sensitive topic.
  sensitive technology 5.66   But Washington is trying to limit the transfer of sensitive technology.
  sensitive stock 5.60   Economically sensitive stocks were lower.
  sensitive one 5.20   The sensitive one.
  sensitive material 5.07   She was accused of giving Li sensitive materials.
  sensitive document 4.41   He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents.
  sensitive equipment 4.15   More sensitive testing equipment is involved.
  sensitive datum 4.08   Edmond Pope himself has never asked me to give any kind of sensitive data.
  sensitive company 3.69   Economically sensitive companies rose.
  sensitive matter 3.69   ...politically sensitive matters.
  sensitive question 3.49   He said he had to ask a sensitive question.
  sensitive sector 3.09   Agriculture is a very sensitive sector for China.
  sensitive case 2.83   Donahoe is no stranger to sensitive cases.
  sensitive man 2.04   Walker is a sensitive man.
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