21.   Demagogues prone to ethnic cleansing regularly invoke old loyalties to paper over their own ambitions, say experts in international affairs.

22.   Employers should expect even more lawsuits as time goes on, say experts, because groups that were not covered previously are now protected under US laws.

23.   Even well-educated parents can benefit from parenting classes, say experts.

24.   Food counterfeiting is highly unusual in the United States, say experts and law enforcement officials.

25.   For several reasons, say experts in economics, politics and social movements, the one-world government theory has recently increased in both visibility and popularity.

26.   For these pioneers, practicing e-commerce takes a combination of business smarts, capital, technology and a large degree of risk-taking, say information technology experts.

27.   Get a make-over, say decorating experts who see a boom in backyard barbecues.

28.   It is perhaps the saddest legacy of Elian, say experts on Cuban exile history, immigration, international politics, but it is hardly the only one.

29.   No, say political experts of all persuasions, who are asking if Huffington, a Republican, has come too far, too fast for his own good.

30.   Outside the EU, say experts, many police forces remain corrupt and inefficient.

n. + expert >>共 577
industry 7.55%
health 4.64%
security 4.09%
bomb 3.66%
computer 2.71%
aviation 2.27%
safety 2.16%
explosive 1.97%
disposal 1.96%
weapon 1.38%
say 0.61%
say + n. >>共 382
analyst 10.86%
expert 5.61%
official 4.25%
researcher 3.89%
critic 3.17%
people 2.71%
investor 2.17%
economist 1.90%
specialist 1.45%
observer 1.45%
每页显示:    共 62