say analyst 7.90   Wrong move, say analysts and economists.
  say expert 4.08   Better think again, say legal experts.
  say official 3.09   No more, say relief officials.
  say researcher 2.83   But there are still gaps, say poverty researchers.
  say critic 2.30   Well, say critics, it could.
  say people 1.97   The Lambs are effective, say people in the industry.
  say investor 1.58   Others just may not be paying attention, say investors.
  say economist 1.38   Everything, say economists and bankers in Warsaw.
  say observer 1.05   There are two reasons for that silence, say observers.
  say specialist 1.05   It is not a perfect world, say specialists.
  say police 0.92   The bottom line, say police and prosecutors, is trust.
  say scientist 0.86   The best defense, say scientists, is prevention.
  say trader 0.79   Losses, say traders, are inevitable.
  say worker 0.72   Morale at the Eagle has been low since the purchase, say workers.
  say friend 0.66   His salvation, say friends and family members, has been golf.
  say professional 0.66   Treating obesity is also cost-effective, say professionals in the field.
  say proponent 0.66   A noble goal, say proponents.
  say supporter 0.66   Hogwash, say secession supporters.
  say executive 0.59   But his contract is long-term, say WCW executives.
  say manager 0.59   Companies will have little trouble selling the new bonds, say managers.
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