21.   They usually do not make house calls, especially when politics gets as rotten as it has been in recent years.

22.   Then politics got in the way.

23.   This is Marseille, a tough town at the heart of southern France, where racial politics can get ugly.

n. + get >>共 1428
thing 4.33%
people 3.16%
company 1.69%
team 1.33%
player 1.31%
investor 1.17%
child 1.12%
man 0.90%
woman 0.83%
kid 0.81%
politics 0.06%
politics + v. >>共 413
be 39.25%
play 5.53%
have 2.98%
become 2.52%
make 2.05%
seem 1.43%
take 1.38%
come 1.26%
change 1.09%
remain 1.05%
get 0.96%
每页显示:    共 23