politics be 61.62   All politics is local.
  politics play 8.69   Politics plays a part.
  politics have 4.67   Politics has no rules.
  politics become 3.95   Ethnic politics has become a main theme.
  politics make 3.23   Politics makes strange bedfellows.
  politics seem 2.24   Does it make politics seem easy?
  politics take 2.17   Politics took away our best years.
  politics come 1.97   Politics came up, too.
  politics change 1.71   But politics is changing, too.
  politics remain 1.65   Politics will remain stable.
  politics get 1.51   The politics gets confusing.
  politics influence 1.32   An IRS spokesman denied that politics influences audit decisions.
  politics motivate 1.25   Some events are motivated by politics.
  politics work 1.25   Medford knows how politics works.
  politics enter 1.18   Politics enters in.
  politics go 1.12   But politics goes on.
  politics intrude 1.12   As always, politics intrude.
  politics dominate 1.05   Here, life is dominated by politics.
  politics drive 1.05   But that truth is driven by politics, not by economics.
  politics turn 0.99   But she knows that politics can turn deadly.
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