21. --Expanding IRAs to allow penalty-free withdrawals for educational expenses and home purchases under certain circumstances. 22. --Expand IRAs to allow penalty-free withdrawals for educational expenses and first-time home purchases under certain circumstances. 23. --Expanding IRAs Individual Retirement Accounts to allow penalty free rollovers and withdrawals for home purchases. 24. --Expands IRAs to allow penalty-free withdrawals for educational expenses and first-time home purchases. 25. --Expand Individual Retirement Accounts to allow penalty-free rollovers and withdrawals for home purchases. 26. Fannie Mae made the following comparison to explain how the pilot program would make a two-family home purchase affordable while conventional underwriting would not. 27. Geist countered that the law did not foster litigation and balanced the responsibilities in an informed home purchase. 28. Holders of each of those two types of IRAs could make penalty-free withdrawals to make a first-time home purchase. 29. Home purchases spark consumer expenditures on everything from washing machine to carpets. 30. However, the penalty would be waived if the withdrawal was used for a first-time home purchase, educational expenses, or during periods of unemployment. |