stock purchase 8.56   One of them is direct stock purchases.
  major purchase 6.58   His only major purchase?
  new purchase 6.12   And neither is his new purchase.
  home purchase 4.81   It will be his first home purchase.
  recent purchase 4.67   WMX is a more recent purchase, Mayo said.
  large purchase 4.48   Congress must also vet large purchases.
  big purchase 4.28   Others may be planning a big purchase.
  first purchase 4.28   It will be his first home purchase.
  possible purchase 3.95   He declined to discuss a possible purchase price.
  online purchase 3.75   The Gap stores also will accept online purchases.
  planned purchase 2.76   This is the second planned purchase Ace has announced this year.
  proposed purchase 2.76   The company now intends to proceed only with the proposed purchase of its own shares.
  direct purchase 2.63   One of them is direct stock purchases.
  big-ticket purchase 2.50   Apply this approach to all your big-ticket purchases.
  outright purchase 2.50   But those offers represent an outright purchase.
  chinese purchase 2.24   Talk of Chinese purchases also shored prices up.
  japanese purchase 2.24   This was apparently due to a seasonal fall in Japanese purchases.
  future purchase 2.11   It made no reference to future purchases.
  small purchase 1.97   Ciba made a number of small purchases last year.
  foreign purchase 1.84   Foreign purchases of U.S. stocks, foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies, are way off.
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