21.   Good deals can be done with would-be multimedia publishers who need intellectual property, with or without illustrations, on which to base their products.

22.   Khorramshahr, grimly dubbed Khuninshahr by some Iranians, was the subject of a good deal of contradictory reporting before it eventually fell late in October.

23.   Two years later, Mehran was still the scene of a good deal of activity.

24.   There is a good deal of controversy over this issue.

25.   There was a good deal of howling from her and a few overripe adjectives, but she was better padded than the seats of the Transit.

26.   There was a good deal of ropey old furniture.

27.   The analysis also indicates that a good deal of income redistribution is likely to occur in the process of creating the SEM.

28.   However, there is a good deal of disagreement about how they come about.

29.   And certainly there is a good deal of empirical evidence to show also that it would be successful.

30.   Erm we will pay bed breakfast and evening meal up to thirty pound a night and I have to say the trainers will always know of some good deals.

a. + deal >>共 638
better 4.70%
great 3.77%
best 3.46%
similar 2.96%
good 2.74%
proposed 2.70%
long-term 2.41%
possible 1.94%
done 1.82%
final 1.63%
good + n. >>共 855
news 5.65%
time 3.35%
thing 3.15%
idea 2.33%
reason 2.30%
job 2.06%
chance 1.77%
health 1.69%
condition 1.43%
one 1.20%
deal 0.35%
每页显示:    共 284