21.   China has fanned these fears through a nearly two decade military build-up and a willingness to use its new found might.

22.   During the campaign, Howard and senior ministers also fanned public fears by suggesting terrorists could try to sneak into the country among asylum boats.

23.   Hundreds of hoaxes across the world are fanning fear that terrorists are using anthrax bacteria for new attacks.

24.   Japanese newspapers have helped fan fears about hooligans with warnings about unruly soccer fans.

25.   Previously, Bosnian Serb leaders have fanned the fears of tens of thousands of Serbs in Sarajevo districts that will revert to Muslim-led government control.

26.   Rebel Serbs threatened to retaliate against Croatia for sending troops into western Bosnia, fanning fears that fighting will explode into a broader Balkan war.

27.   Such fears have been fanned by propaganda for years in Serbia alleging atrocities committed against Serbs by Albanians.

28.   Tensions currently are running very high, fanning fears of a new Balkan war.

29.   The air raids and the concentration of Russian troops have fanned fears of a full-scale war in Chechnya.

30.   The alarms have been sounded ever since the meltdown of Asian currencies last year fanned fears of an imminent deluge of suddenly cheaper Asian goods.

v. + fear >>共 569
raise 12.95%
express 9.54%
have 4.76%
allay 4.38%
ease 3.98%
spark 2.90%
calm 2.23%
voice 2.15%
dismiss 1.81%
fuel 1.79%
fan 0.59%
fan + n. >>共 204
flame 21.15%
concern 5.51%
fear 5.26%
tension 5.13%
speculation 3.50%
fire 2.63%
violence 2.13%
expectation 1.75%
sentiment 1.75%
inflation 1.75%
每页显示:    共 42