fan flame 11.13   We fan the flames.
  fan concern 2.90   That fanned concern of rising trade tension.
  fan fear 2.76   That fear was fanned on a trip to Komodo Island a few years ago.
  fan tension 2.70   Israeli leaders quickly accused him of fanning tensions.
  fan speculation 1.84   A report in Business Week fanned the speculation.
  fan fire 1.38   Turkey did not want to fan the fire.
  fan violence 1.12   Is old hatred fanning new violence?
  fan expectation 0.92   The figures fanned expectations the central bank would cut rates.
  fan inflation 0.92   Opponents of the wage hike fear it could fan inflation.
  fan sentiment 0.92   Critics say anti-Jewish sentiment has been fanned by Blocher and others.
  fan resentment 0.72   The disparities have fanned black resentment.
  fan unrest 0.72   He said students were fanning social unrest with their violent protests.
  fan hatred 0.59   Both conducted a bitter campaign that fanned wartime hatreds.
  fan side 0.59   He struck out four, fanning the side in the sixth.
  fan talk 0.59   But maybe that is just fan talk.
  fan interest 0.53   Miscalculating fan interest.
  fan time 0.53   Daubach, the Belleville Basher, fanned three times.
  fan controversy 0.46   Gaston this week called Mussina an obscene name for fanning the controversy.
  fan ember 0.46   Universities are fanning the embers.
  fan demand 0.39   But nine years of heavy-handed rule by Serbia, the dominant republic in Yugoslavia, have only fanned demands for independence.
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